What’s important when playing Red to Win in Britannia Second Edition

(I have deliberately limited this to one page; there is one page of overall advice. Lewis Pulsipher)

Every color in Britannia must be played as a whole, not as separate nations, if you want to win consistently. It is sometimes worth sacrificing armies or points of one nation to improve the points or position of another by a greater amount. The action of armies at one end of the board can affect those at the other, in the long run. Remember, at a given time position is just as important as the number of armies or number of points scored so far.

Red has more opportunities for his nations to work together than any other color. The Irish and Saxons can be very hard on the Welsh, Saxons and Brigantes often are fighting Angles, Norsemen can help keep Brigantes alive (and even distract the Welsh), and so forth.

The Saxons are the biggest scorer, though the Brigantes can score a lot, and so can Norsemen. If the Saxons score poorly, it will be hard for Red to win. If they do very well, it will be hard for others to prevent Red from winning.

Red and Blue can score far more than Green and Yellow. Some people see the game as Blue fighting with Yellow in the north while Green struggles with Red in the south. If Red and Blue cooperate, the other two nations are probably in trouble. But the Angles and Saxons have many incentives to fight one another, as do Angles and Brigantes. People used to playing original Britannia may lean too hard on Red; people who have hardly played may not lean hard enough on Red.

Red certainly has many opportunities to fight Green, Irish and Saxons against Welsh, Saxons against Jutes, Norse against Caledonians. But if you get into a "struggle to the death" with Green, one of the other colors will win, not you.

Brigantes almost always submit to the Romans. They try to find a good position occupying three areas, from which to grow after submission in order to be strong in the face of Blue (and the Scots). A deal can sometimes be made with the Romans, who have other matters to attend to such as keeping the Picts in check to help the Scots later on. The Irish are often sacrificed to keep the Welsh in check while the Saxons grow. The Norse natural enemy is the Caledonians, but they have many choices depending on the strategic situation for Red.

Red often takes Cornwall and Devon ("south Wales") in order to distract the Welsh from more valuable (to the Red) lands. The Irish sometimes survive the entire game in south Wales. If the Welsh leave just one defender in "holy Powys" it is usually worth a 3-1 attack.

Brigantes often retreat to Galloway in non-point turns, then come out to hold Strathclyde for the big points.

Even if the Saxons "max out" their armies in mid-game, they can be nearly wiped out, and Harold killed, at the end of the game. But this does not prevent Red from winning.

The Norse are your most mobile group: while you’ll want to try for Orkneys, Hebrides & Caithness, and visit Cumbria, you may want to send Norse where they’ll do the most harm to your enemies!

My thanks to contributors to these short strategy pieces, in particular "the Black Prussian" (UK), Torben Mogensen (Denmark), Yann Clouet (France), and George Van Voorn (Netherlands), among others.